Sometimes your just too busy to release the thundering words of encouragement, that are carefully threaded through each majestic blog post. People left and right are offering me hundreds and thousands of dollars to bleed out another post. To this I reply, "I realize that my superfluous lyrics are engraved upon your hearts, but the only reward I can accept is the joy of seeing more and more people boycotting Subarus; that we're no longer pulling over for policeman during rush hour (for they damn well know better than to further inhibit the flow of comerce); and that we as a unit have set the revolution is motion." I can understand the sorrow that may come each day for the many who currently have this url set as their homepage and fire up their computer to find nothing but another old post.
Let's think about this police canandrum for a minute here. Having to commute to work or school alongside thousands of others, who no doubt hate whatever working enviornment lays before them, is painful enough. To further twist the knife there are individuals known as police officers, that have the gall to issue citations for driving over the speed limit. Seriously Officers? You can't even break the speed limit during rush hour. For the few people that magically manage to break the speed limit, I think a reward is necessary. Rather than pull them over and further slow up every other individual, why not clear the road for people willing to drive at a decent rate.
All I'm saying is quit ruining my day...
All I'm saying is quit ruining my day...
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