Many thankses are due to the four of you who have spent countless hours running from computer to computer in the library and visiting my site. I also want to thank my Mother-In-Law who will tie down anyone she can, to read them my blog. She's getting desperate to prove that her daughter did not marry a total loser (boy does she have an odd strategy to back that claim, fortunately I don't have much for competition!). I got caught snagging a pound of bacon out of her deep freeze. That only made her more determined. This was all after my wife gets on my case. I explain to Wifey that the deep freeze and garage fridge are communal storage space (Mom knows this which is why she's cool with it, as long as I don't take all of her specially crushed ice that she gets at Sonic. Sometimes that's the only thing she's allowed to have on whatever diet she's after). I know at least once every 2 to 3 months I put a 24-pack of Diet Pepsi in that fridge; and I'm at least 96% sure that I only drink 22 of them. With everybody on those insane diets around that house, they don't need bacon calling screaming from the garage at 5 am--"Let me out of this freezer. I'll sizzle for you. I'm juicy in all the right places." No wonder they're always starting a new diet. Man, that's good of me to take on that burden for them.
You've heard of "leave a penny take a penny", right?
Well that's new to me, I always heard it as "leave a penny take a dollar". That just makes more "cents". Why would anyone trade a penny for another? Unless they're some kind of freak coin collector. And I am no coin collector, I throw that crap out unless it's a quarter. Coins are for people of a class sooo low that the thought of it makes me feel like I should ring my butler and have him fan me for an hour, just so that I can remember what someone of that class looks like. (Funny thing is I don't even have a butler but when I'm too good to carry around coins, I feel like I could afford one.) Besides, I have a hard enough time keeping my pants up, I don't need any insignificant coinage weighing me down. How many more notches do I have to make in my belt, before it wraps around me twice?
My question is how many people are waiting anxiously each day for my latest blog post, but aren't sharing it with your friends?
So it's not just that the in-laws give freely of their bacon, or their Lexus SUVs for some 4-by when they're out of town (I can't believe that superglue has held the bumper on this long!), or their country club membership when I want to go somewhere where I can feel like a pimp and slap around the staff with my golf gloves (I feel like a true nobleman), or Ol' man's golf clubs (I knew that glue wouldn't hold, but Ol' Man gets pissed and throws his clubs so much that they're bound to brake soon), or their basement to host chicken fights (Silly Michael Vick used his own place--what a tool!), or their condo for hosting raves and charging $20 a head (It's so cute when Mom pretends that she doesn't know why she's getting a $2,000 cleaning charge. I hope they never turn on a black light in that place), or their "missing" furniture that I'm constantly selling on craigslist (I tell people that it was owned by some movie star--suckers!)...
...it's that Mom reads my blog and shares the love--that's what counts. That's how she wins over my heart, every day.
So for the rest of you, that have been taking well over a dollars worth of advise, who are you to not spread the love? I bet you don't even have your membership to the quiet-ramblings.com fan-site in your will. Don't you want to leave your offspring a gift that keeps on giving?
Pass it on, so I don't have to enter another self-promotion campaign...
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