ADHD- Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. Official medical term for ADD. Includes 3 types: Inattentive, Hyperactive, or both.
ADD- Attention Deficit Disorder. Original term, that is after, brain disfunction whatever... ADD is the term that gives you street cred.
Problem- An obstacle that hinders achievement, but has a clear an definitive solution.
Dilemma- An obstacle with no clear answer right or wrong. Something is sacrificed for something else. No win-win scenario. Some answers are righterer and some are wrongerest, but it's really just a total decision game including several factors, variables, and some facts.
The issue:
The difference between people with ADD and normal people is they have fewer problems, but far more dilemmas. This in itself is both a dilemma and a problem.
Case in point- Problem: DVD player is not working, doesn't eject.
Normal person- Solution: Call repairman or buy new DVD player.

ADD person- Dilemma: Should I fix this, call a repairman or get a new one or get a Bluray (this dialogue continues through the life of the dilemma). Completely disassemble DVD player, while grilling steaks and counting down time to go to appointment. What could I do to soup this up? Maybe I should just integrate my other DVD player with all the TVs. Burning smell. Late. Runs out the door. Return later. Pieces lost. Still tweaking. Browse BluRays online. Enter new dilemma.
The ADD, despite being a serial let down, is always hopeful for the win-win.
So the worst part is that rather than solving the problem and moving on, the ADD jumps from one dilemma to the next. There's never a solution. The dilemmas pile up, then an inevitable explosion of expletives. Even with the latest and greatest pharmaceutical grade Ritalin or Adderall, these dilemmas still occur. The only difference is they come in slow motion, so you have more time to think.
So what's my dilemma? I have no income and 24 hours of the day to fill. If you want to see the list of possible outcomes, that is constantly scrolling through my head, you will need to plug in an external hard drive to download it. So as you could imagine, it's difficult to accomplish any one thing, while trying to accomplish everything. That's why the long and short term goal of every individual, with ADD, is world domination (or something else really BIG!).
Just because I can't sit still doesn't mean I'm not listening. If I am sitting still, chances are...
I'm not listening...
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