Then finally, I realized a couple things:
1. It's time to pimp my garage.
2. These compact flourecent light bulbs take a while to warm up and put on a good shine just like there older strip light siblings. Therefore using them in the garage is somewhat impractical, since you only turn it on for a brief moment when you go out there and 85% of the time you're back in before it reaches full brightness. Yet at the same time not using them could be quite detrimental, since the garage is the number 1 place where the light gets left on with out noticing.
At this point there's a little anxiety and panic setting in as I face my first GREAT dilemma of the day. So I sat on the couch pondering deeply, while nervously tapping my foot. What to do... What to do... Do I put in an incandescent light bulb and risk leaving it on at night, burning about 3 times as much energy, or add additional compact flurescent? After about an hour of running numbers (while simultaneously telling myself "this can't be right, I didn't carry enough significant digits after the decimal..." recalculating...) and yelling and the kids to stop running in circles and looking up to try to see their hair(see they're just as crazy as me), I came up with the conclusion. I would add another CFL bulb.
Now over the years I've come to be a little bit of, what some people might call, a pack rat. I swore it would never happen to me, but it's contagious. When your on a construction site and your cheap boss says, "you better find a way to reuse those, they run a buck-fifty a piece, and I'll be damned 'f I'm buyin' a nother." After a while he's got you believing that a buck-fifty is a lot of money. You're paradigm has shifted. There's something about using the word "Buck" or "One" dollar that makes it sound so much more valuable than "a" dollar. And since I don't have a job right now, that adds to the blow...
So anyways I'm looking through my box of electrical goods. I have enough material to interconnect every audio system in the home, but no bulb socket.
Back to the couch....
Kid's running and screaming (it's too cold outside)...
After hours of drafting clever plans to fabricate my own bulb socket I scrap them all and decide to solder directly to the bulb. I have to cook dinner now...
Hot dogs on the stovetop. Meanwhile oldest daughter helps me solder, since my hands won't quit shaking. I believe it's due to the fact that I've had to cut back on cinammon bears, by buying the 16 oz rather than the 5 lb. bags.
So here I am pondering all the things I was going to get done today, and this is what I have to show-
Want me to pimp your garage too? Just share this with all your facebook homies and you'll receive a coupon for 15% off of your pimped out garage. What? That's not tempting enough? I'll double it if you twitter as well.
And this is why my wife keeps a close eye on me. So it goes...
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