quiet ramblings

the quiet ramblings of a construction worker: Heretic in a very non-religious sense...

Sunday, January 30

Heretic in a very non-religious sense...

Film poster for Office Space - Copyright 1999,...Image via WikipediaWhat has become of our culture?  Why do we prescribe to this system of beliefs and unwritten laws, that tells how we are to act and feel in any given circumstance?

So here I am feeling guilty, because I'm supposed to.  Try as I may I just can't truly feel bad for no longer working at the dysfunctional catastrophe of a workplace, where I spent at least 40 hours of my week.  What has happened to us, America?  We spend the majority of waking hours shuffling paper in the name of productivity.  Yelling and screaming at each other, cuz we all get the same doomsday feeling in our stomach every Sunday night.

I'll get back on track, but I'm not going to feel bad for enjoying some time off, to re-memorize my kid's names.  I feel as free as Peter in Office Space.
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