So after sitting in shock for about 2 hours and running out of finger nails to chew on, I walked the Green Mile.
What do we learn from this? There is a huge cultural flaw in the way that we are taught to be good little workers. Go to school, go to more school, graduate, then work. Work to death
Well I'm done with the man. Now I'm gonna make the man work for me. How you ask? I'm just going to start walking into job interviews with an attitude. We'll sit there and talk about nothing for a bit, then the interview will start. Only this time I'll be the one asking the questions... What makes your company so special that you think you could handle a bad ass like me? He'll sit there in shock at first... Then I'll fire off some more questions... Do you really expect me to work 40 hours a week, just show up to the office and look busy even if I'm on top of all my business, cuz you know I handle my business? If I work so hard and am so productive that you run out of things for me to do, are you going to "let me go"?
That's right I'm runnin' the show now suckas!
If anybody has some crazy office mishaps, lay-offs, or other crazy stories, please email me and if you want I'll share it with all these gangsters that visit this site.
Well time to watch some good daytime TV.
Rebel and yell...
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