quiet ramblings

the quiet ramblings of a construction worker: etc...

Sunday, January 23


Before I go on my next rant.  I MUST STRESS THE IMPORTANCE THAT YOU VOTE ON THE SURVEY TO THE LEFT ABOUT MY NEXT SIDE PROJECT.  DO IT, DO IT, DO IT!  Thanks in advance.  I'd like to make it a community thing, but I don't know if anyone has the cojones to participate.  Either way I have a feeling that it is going to be Gigante, that's big!  So let me know by voting or email me.

Now on to a matter of serious importance...

I can't take it anymore.  If I here it said "ect cetra" one more time I'm gonna scream.  Take notes (when I say take notes I'm about to get real anal): it is abbreviated as "etc." not "ect.".  It sounds like someone is chocking up phlegm when they say it wrong, and it's like nails on a chalkboard.  If you want to bring the demons out of me, now you know how.

Proper spelling: Et cetera (latin) meaning- and so on, and other things.  Et=and; cetera=the rest.

If you're awesome like me you just do this...  I call it the full stop triple-combo.  It's my trademark and tell's you: you think I'm brilliant now?  Imagine what kind of brilliance would emerge, had I not trailed of....

I could do it all day long...
It's soothing...

So, no more butchering Latin terms.  If your unsure just do what Kurt Vonnegut does, "and so on", "and so it goes", "so it goes".  Find you're own trade mark, and use it.  It puts the -ness at the end of your name.

I'm glad to see that many are coming to see what this madness is all about.  Let it spread world...

I hope you all have clicked on the brain and gone to my first post, then did your first assignment.  Feel free to leave comments, I've made it quite easy by allowing anonymous entries.  There will be no censorship, unless people start tossing F-bombs all up in the comment box.

Go get some...

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