quiet ramblings

the quiet ramblings of a construction worker: Here we go round the merry-go-round...

Saturday, January 29

Here we go round the merry-go-round...

Dear Humble Followers,

I've spent another night blazing through the internet, all in the name of Love.  That's right I'm here to serve you and your many friends that keep on coming.  Speaking of you're friends, somebody has some homies in far off places.  Just check out these stats-

United States
United Kingdom

So you're growing in numbers.  At this point it would be completely acceptable to start arguing about who find this most amazing blog first.  I still throw it in the face of all those haters, that took so long to warm up to The Office, that I've been watching since day uno.  Let's say I have an eye for these things.  That's all part of what makes me a pretty big deal.

So you may have noticed that I am constantly expressing my art and OCD simultaneously, by the constant changing of the layouts.  I decided to go with a cleaner look.  I've also added all kinds of gadgets and gear all over the site.  My latest item of note, that almost led me to throw the computer out the window, is an actual fan page on Facebook.  It took me forever to figure out why it wasn't posting all my posts as updates.

Look folks, I'm bustin' my balls here to bring on this revolution.  I hope you all ride this rush to your next freedom train.  I recommend doing a cram session every sunday night.  Just when you get hit in the stomach with that dreadful feeling, that life as we've allowed it is about to continue its dreadful weekly cycle, come on over and I'll take care off you.  You need to get that rage in you that makes you walk into work Monday morning and not just saying, but truly believing that you own the place.  Trust me when you bring it at that level, with those crazy blood stained eyes, your boss will be bringing you coffee in the morning.

The results are in on the side project (AmericasGreatestStory.com) and after analytical comparisons and proper curving I've determined the following:  Nobody gives an uff (uff is the bleep out sound for the F-bomb in Eminem's radio version songs, I think they run out of ideas when they try to sensor him.)  So I'm in no hurry to get crackin' on that story, unless the aliens return to abduct me yet again.  In that case, I would have plenty story to tell.

Peace out loyalist and newcomers...

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