quiet ramblings

the quiet ramblings of a construction worker: Welcome...

Saturday, January 15


Dear humble followers (I have none yet):

As the masses pour on to my blog, I anticipate a very cultish group of followers.  This is not alarming, in fact it is all part of my plan.  I shall spread my Empire starting here...  If you are with me you will be permitted some of the many splendors, such as bringing me frosty cold beverages in a reasonably appointed time or fanning me with branches from tropical trees.  But first and foremost, there is now a need to join arms and over throw the powers that be.  I'm not speaking of any specific government entity.  I'm talking about the individual tyrants that choose to make each of your lives miserable.  This may be a boss, co-worker, "friend", etc.  Now, now, calm down psycho gun-toting over zealots.  You're not actually going to take violent action.  What you should do is slowly torment each tyrant in your life, thus giving you the upper hand.  The best way to do this is to "ignorantly" exploit the pet peeves of this individual.  I speak of ignorance as a gift here, because it enhances the blow and puts the nerves on edge.

This weeks assignment:  Use your tyrants special possession in total ignorance.  This could be as simple as taking their favorite pen and holding it in your mouth at some point during the day when they can see it.  You could also use their coffee cup or "accidently" each their lunch.  Remember the key is to show no respect for their property, while at the same time pretending that you have no idea it was theirs.

I know this sounds childish, but aren't all tyrants a bunch of whining babies that throw a fit when they don't get there way?  Please do comment and let me know if you were able to provoke a tantrum.

So now, it's time to go poke the bear...


Christy said...

I provoked a tantrum from the Brain!!!

"I already set it up to not count my visits, Punk! You better start pasting my link all over your wall, or I'll pretend I don't know you when I take over the world."

You said it yourself Brain...

"...aren't all tyrants a bunch of whining babies that throw a fit when they don't get there way?"

LeeDub said...

Well played... you should know I change my name often.

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