Image via WikipediaIt's been another week full of people on each commute to piss me off. A particular lady really got the best of me this week. First of all, she was driving way too slow for my comfort and psychological well being. Sometimes I think that there are people out driving around, with no purpose whatsoever but add to traffic. Kinda like the movie the
Truman Show, when he tries to leave the "island", all kinds of cars just show up to block his way. Am I the only one who has a fixed destination? So this particular lady has one of the strangest driving habits I've ever seen. Keep in mind she's forming what's known as a "Mexican
Roadblock" with the adjacent car, with only two lanes to choose from. So naturally I'm about 3 inches from her bumper in an attempt to give her a clue like, "hey lady get the hell out of my way!" She didn't get the memo. What she was doing was swerving as if there was something dangerous in the road. Due to my limited vision of anything other than the back of her
Camry, I was forced to follow suite. After dodging three, of what must been some type of large animals in the road, my neuro-pathways refused to subscribe to such coincidence.
I backed up enough to see what we were both swerving for; and what I saw was so astonishing that my mind sailed away from all things present in search of a valid explanation for this crazy behavior. This lady was swerving for
manhole covers. As a general rule I don't swerve for anything other than potholes of a minimum 3" depth or animals that are tall enough to meet my gaze. Anything else will be absorbed by the engineering of my truck. But here we have this crazy lady swerving to protect herself from manhole covers. What fear could possibly enter the
human mind creating a need to conciously swerve around all manhole covers? How could you even live with that type of anxiety? Is she affraid that the cover will give and her entire car will be engulfed? So there I was, all day long. She's the idiot, yet I can not focus for the rest of the day because I can't believe what I just saw. What I want to know is- why was this not addressed during her driving test? Surely at some point the person administering the exam would say, "What the hell are you doing lady?"
But nooooo, we give all these idiots licenses. And you wonder why people go postal...
1 comment:
Maybe she thinks a ninja turtle is gunna poke their head out as she is driving over it... Lol
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Come on, tell me what your thinking...