Of course, if you've ever seen the movie Salt or Tomb Raider or Assassins, you might have envisioned a more plausible scenario. Like, Angelina Jolie (tight black leather for aerodynamics and stealth) cruising on a Honda crotch rocket (all black). Takes out 15 guards on the way to the gate, back flip of the bike, perfect Olympic gymnastic landing, the bike hits the gate and explodes. She comes out of the flames into the courtyard with that serious yet seductive look. Takes out 10 more militants, 8 by gun, 2 by ninja kick after a boost off the wall. She disappears into the shadows, chaos everywhere. Works her way up to Numb Nuts royal bedroom (mind you Pakistani government is completely unaware of this palace--I get where this could cause confusion given that his suite alone is a city block). She pimp slaps the two guards at the door, kicks them in the groin, seductive grin at the security camera, scissor kick to ceiling camera, fuzzy screen. Bin Laden's stupid grin turns to Oh S#!* to the 5th power. AJ fakes out Bin Laden by entering from the ceiling (he's currently waiting at the door with a safety padding of a handful of wives), AJ lands in a crouched position with missile lock in her eyes. Tak
I'm not saying I was there, but I've seen enough movies to know how this stuff goes down.
Now that we've debriefed and solved most mysteries, we can count on Trump to close the deal. Now, can we get back to other matters of importance. I want to know- is Cappadonna officailly the tenth member of WuTang Clan or not? I know different members of the clan have made statements to the press informing us that he is in fact a member, but I want to see documentation! It seemed official on "The W" album, then we had some drama. If he was reunited, why isn't he pictured with the clan on the "8 diagrams" album. I don't think Ol' Dirty Bastard is going to come back from the dead to cast his official vote. Maybe Trump could also get the ball rolling here too? While we're at it can I vote in Redman?

I think I'm entitled...
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