The reason that feedback is so important to me, is because I need to know that my fans are getting every penny's worth. That's right, I'm in it for you. It would be nice if people would comment, on the blog, so that I didn't have to go to Sunday dinner with several people I can't stand; yet they can't get enough of me. What I'm getting at folks, is that if you're just rushing through these posts you're not getting a full education. You need to participate. If you don't, it's basically like going to college for nothing but job training. Where's the education in that?
I'm extremely grateful for the curmudgeon English teacher that I had my freshman year in college. He spoke of our decaying society with such disdain. I was thrilled that someone could be so disappointed with modern pop-culture, that he would start using bigger words with more sting and spoke as if his pulpit were 100 ft in the air. The "mall world" is what he called it. The man refused to memorize his social security number, because it was not his identity. I'm generally a fan of verbal abuse, but when it came from this guy I left the class so disoriented that I didn't even know my name. Talk about getting your money's worth in education. I wish that I wasn't so lazy, just so that I could have a list if things that get under my skin a mile long, just like that guy. To be obsessed to the point where you'd probably love to make a student cry, that's dedication.

He talked about how the mall world schools didn't teach us anything anymore so we had to take precious time to learn parts of speech. We were lucky that such a knowledgeable individual would even speak to us unworthy creatures. I would be shaking with embarrassment as he rounded the room dissecting a sentence. When it was our turn we had to declare which part of speech was being represented by each word. He spanked us all over the place, and it was one of the greatest learning experience I received. It had nothing, yet everything, to do with my major. Priceless humiliation.
I stand next to my teacher, when I believe that public education is crap! (Don't start building your case about how my spelling or sentence structure is still just barely above a 5th grade level. And if you do you better make me cry. You really think I have time to edit while still meeting the demands of so many fans?) So anyways I want to congratulate my number one fan (I don't mention names often, but she deserves it and besides she realizes the waste of time it would be to try to sue me for defamation. Although the claim would have to be on other grounds, because defamation insinuates de-faming, but this is more of an entry to fame). Without further adieu, thank you Aunt Melissa! Why is she number one? Let's just say she stays up til 3 am waiting for a post and if I happened to be too lazy that night, she can't sleep. Besides that she's been a great promoter. If there is any promotion worth praise, it's the kind that has no price tag. She even texted me to inform me that my layout was not functional on her browser, even though it looked fine on my Mac. Just so you know my last post had nothing to do with her (it had everything to do with her). What really impressed me today, was to learn that she makes her oldest daughter read my posts before she can do anything else, including homework. So we could also award her mother of the year. All I know is that she's on her way to earning one of my static pages that I never have time to update.
Why would anyone force this on their children, you ask? Because they see the true value in education. Do you think your kids brains are just soaking up all that crap, that their teachers spray all over them? No. No. And NO. You can't hold a candle to this education you're receiving before your eyes. Maybe I don't have a diploma to offer, but I can give you some recycled toilet paper worth the diploma of any "prestigious" schools. That's about the current worth of my diploma anyways.
Soak it up...