There're soooo many important things that I should be doing right now. I wonder what it is like to be a responsible person, who sees due dates for what they are.... You see, my neurological software goes through a series of algorithms when anticipating deadlines. I hate to drag everyone through the details but I think that it's important for people to know before they ask me to do something. It's actually a pretty simple equation, pay attention: (deadline) minus - (amount of time to complete task) equa
Image via Wikipedials = (product delivered on time to smiling faces). That's the theory anyways. My
OS doesn't take into account a certain contingency or padding, if you will, for possible road blocks. What my OS does instead, is quite impressive. Like two dudes at
Home Depot my
brain literally starts to argue with itself about certain items such as: agility, quickness, efficiency, ability to open eyes under salt water, personal records for competing various rungs up the ladder of the Ninja order, the list goes on like this.... So each new argument shaves off anywhere from 5 minutes to 24 hours (depending on the task). Eventually a completely subjective, unproven hypothesis becomes doctrine and time has been cut in half. This is where the clever adjustment comes to the playground. Rather than agree that I will be done early (not in my vocab, I had to look that word up--its implications exhausted my entire mental apparatus), my brain subtracts that
extra time that will be saved, because it says it can be done. Thus we have:
(Specific Deadline) - (readjusted finish time--after hours of arguing, bragging, then folding) =
(Thanks for screwing me over brain, you gave me worse odds to meet this deadline than the chance of a "good" decision in
Las Vegas)
OK, so it is complicated. That's why I've been caught walking around talking to myself. It's hard to just sit back while all that debate is going on up there, and I can't participate. Sure, I could sit back listen to some distracting angry music and let the unconscious battle it out with the sub-conscious, but I'd get restless after about 14.5 seconds (on average I've only been able to sit still long enough to time myself on 2 occasions). So I engage. Sure everybody make fun of the crazy guy talking to himself. Don't think for a minute that he doesn't notice and you haven't been added to his list of "silly fools who've crossed me... I'll save the last laugh for me". What's that? Now you want to be friends?
My wife is well aware of this--my ability to get sidetracked and postpone (I don't like the stigma attached to the word procrastination)--which is why I'm looking over my shoulder every time I'm gettin' my blog on. She's like my productivity coach, always trying to get me "back on track". Some people just don't understand the importance of the underground education.
There, I've gone and done it again. I completely forgot what all those important things were, that needed to get done.
And that's why I have peace over anxiety...
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