I did a little research today, as I'm at home sick, also with sick kiddos. I googled "quiet ramblings", thinking my blog should be at the top of the list now that my domain is: quiet-ramblings.com
. What I found out instead was drumroll... I was #11 on the list. Number 11, are you freaking kidding me? What does a brotha gotta do to get some love?
(update 1/25) check me out now...
google search for quiet ramblings
So I formulated a plan, thinking surely I can move up the list by discussing the latest craze. So I hit up Google Trends and at the top of the list a find, drumroll again... #1 Oprah's Sister, #2 Vernitta Lee, who I discovered is Oprah's Mom. Then suddenly, Thud. Thud. Thud. (That's what it sounds like when I start banging my head against the wall. This is about the same time Tourette syndrom kicks in too). What do I have to offer about Oprah? Nothing at all... Come on America, this is the freaking internet. How does one even get soooo bored, that they decide hmmmm... I really want to see what Oprah is up to today?
So I decided that this is why America is crazy, and why China has us by the spherical twin objects, used in sports, betting games, and tadpole creation. Then, I started to wonder- at what point will China be outsourcing to us? Maybe the
was really designed in China, to keep us occupied while stealthy infiltrating our minds, so they can get us all hopped up on dopamine every time we catch the latest celebrity news. Very, very, cleaver... Oh I hope this is all just paranoia on my part.
I then download AutoCad on my computer from the black market, allowing me to keep my computer ip address anonymous. Just as I started to draft my plans for a bomb shelter, I mean come on we don't know where this is headed, I decided to give America one last chance. So I check Yahoo. I found enough relief to cancel the backhoe delivery and 30 yards of concrete, just ordered. Yahoo's trending #1... is Joe Biden. This could be good, people are probably interested in government structure and law... The sad truth, is that I know that's a lie. People are probably trying to find out his eye color, nicknames, pet's names, etc., etc., blah...
So just in case I'm going to keep these CAD files on my desktop. I'd share them, but I'm too paranoid that you may be a Chinese ninja. We all know that Ninjas originated in Japan, and the Chinese are only impostors, but it scares me just the same.
So be careful out there...
On a side note, I'm constantly trying to make my blog more awesomer'r (I can hardly believe it's possible either). As you may have noticed by the constant remodeling I suffer from blogger
. I've added star ratings at the end of each post. Don't be afraid to rate me and if you've really got some beef to unload
email me. There is also a box full of links that might be related to my ramblings... Don't be scared to explore, they're not a scam, just other articles related to my content, and I don't make anything off of them. They are simply my gift to you: relevant, possibly more informative, information.
***Pay attention now: The coolest new toy I've added, is an integration from:
This allows you to double click any word on my site and get a definition. Ingenious! I use it all the time, since I don't even know what I'm saying half the time.
Try it here by doubleclicking this word: BELLWETHER
Ride on revolution...